A not-for-profit organization that strives to protect the collective interests of producers in Kenya.

RIKE aims to advocate for the interests of recorded music industry.

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Benefits for Members

RIKE aims to advocate for the interests of recorded music business stakeholders, promote content protection and enforcement and protect ethical business practice In the recording landscape.

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Invitation to round tables with policy makers.

Network with major and independent record companies.

Master Classes (In collaboration with the major record companies and key industry stakeholders).

Establishment of local chart in accordance with globally aligned practices.

Promote Improvements in the Law relating to Copyright or other matters concerning Members sound recordings.

Promote anti-piracy & content protection. Advocate for best practice with CMOs for sound producers.

Objectives of RIKE

To admit as Members Producers of sound recordings and/or audio-visual recordings.

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To defend, develop and preserve the rights of Producers of sound recordings and audio-visual recordings in Kenya.

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To promote and encourage the advancement of the recording industry in Kenya.

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To protect and further the interests of Producers of sound recordings and audio-visual recordings in Kenya.

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To assist in establishing best practise in the recording industry.

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Maintain an International Standard Recording Code register for all releases by Producers in Kenya in line with the IFPI guidelines

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To originate and promote improvements in the law relating to copyright or other matters concerning Members' sound recordings. This includes supporting, opposing, or petitioning alterations in the law and lobbying the National Assembly as may be deemed expedient for the benefit of Members.

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To disseminate among Members information on matters affecting the business of the recording industry, to print, publish, issue, and circulate such papers, periodicals, circulars, and other literary undertakings as may be conducive for Members.

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To establish, form, and maintain if required, a library, archive, or collection of sound recordings or other articles of interest in connection with the business of the Members.

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To promote ethical business, repress malpractices, and investigate any other illicit activities detrimental to the recording industry as a whole.

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To establish and enforce rules and a code of conduct for the regulation, maintenance, and promotion of standards by Members, their management, employees, Directors, and agents in their dealings with each other and with third parties.

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To coordinate and establish with IFPI as an accredited service provider, the official Music Chart in Kenya

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To establish, audit, verify and award sales certifications in Kenya.

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To provide a forum in which Members may discuss matters of common interest and to provide a medium to represent Members in negotiations with government departments, relevant unions, trade associations, rights organizations, broadcasting organizations, collective management organizations, market research societies, and other interested parties, including to represent Members on issues of public policy and engagement with music users.

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To maintain relationships with music copyright organizations locally and internationally.

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Meet Our Board of Directors

Eric Musyoka

Music Producer and Sound Engineer, Decimal Records
View Profile

Bien-aime Baraza

Member of Sauti sol, Proprietor of Sol Generation Records
View Profile

Sean Watson

Managing Director, Sony Music Entertainment Africa
View Profile

Japheth Kasanga OGW

Music Producer, Kassanga Music Centre
View Profile

John Katana Harrison HSC

Member of Them Mushrooms, Kalakata Music Limited
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Manusha Sarawan

Managing Director at Universal Music Group, Southern and East Africa
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Suzanne W. Gachukia-Opembe HSC

Producer, Sub Sahara Limited
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Laverne Thomas

Special Projects Lead, Warner Music South Africa
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Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to do to become a member?

To become a member, click Apply for membership Select type of Applicant, Either as a Record Label or a Self Released Artist.

If you own a record label that is a registered business, select 'Record Label' and complete the questions until the end.
If you are a 'Self-released artist' who owns your sound recordings, choose this option and complete the questions asked to the end.
Please ensure that;
1) You own the exclusive rights of the sound recordings or
2) You are the exclusive licensee of the sound recordings before filling in the online form. Upon completing the online form, you will be contacted on the next steps via email.

Membership Fee Structure

Category A: An applicant can join the Golden Circle by paying a one-off fee of KES 20,000. Please click on the benefits for more information. Afterwards, the Golden circle member will pay the annual fee of KES 1200.


CATEGORY B: Only pay the annual membership fee of KES 1200 (limited benefits).

I am an independent producer, can I join RIKE?

You can become a member of RIKE if you own the exclusive rights or are the exclusive licensee of the Sound Recordings

Does RIKE collect royalties for producers?

No, RIKE does not collect royalties for producers as it is not a Collective Management Organization (CMO). RIKE'S purpose is to protect the collective interests of producers of sound recordings in Kenya. The CMOS in Kenya include: - 

KAMP - The Kenya Association of Music Producers (KAMP) is the body representing the rights and interests of producers of sound recordings whose membership comprises of record labels. Incorporated in 2003, KAMP was registered and granted its license to operate as a collective management organization (CMO) For more information Click here

MCSK  The Music Copyright Society of Kenya (MCSK) is the body mandated to administer economic rights for authors, composers, arrangers, and publishers of musical works in Kenya and other affiliate societies by collecting royalties from music users and distributing the same FAIRLY to the rightful owners. For more information Click here


Performers Rights Society of Kenya (PRiSK) is the body mandated to negotiate and set tariffs with the different users of sound recordings and audio-visual works.

PRiSK collects on behalf of its members, equitable remuneration from users of sound recordings and audio-visual works for purposes of broadcasting or other communication to the public.  For more information Click here

What are the benefits of joining RIKE

The benefits of becoming a member of RIKE include: -  

1. Invitation to round tables with policymakers  

2. Network with major and independent record companies

3. Master Classes (In collaboration with the major record companies and key industry stakeholders)

4. Establishment of local chart in accordance with globally aligned practices 

5. Access to industry reports and insights in accordance with industry and legal requirements

6. Official sales certification 

7. Promote anti-piracy & content protection

8. Advocate for best practices with CMOS for sound producers.

What is an ISRC code? Why do I require it?

ISRC stands for International Standard Recording Code. 

ISRC is used to identify sound recordings and music video recordings so that each such recording can be referred to uniquely and unambiguously.

An ISRC identifies a recording throughout its entire life and is assigned by the rights owner of the recording or an authorized representative.

Once assigned, the ISRC is used by (among others) the producer of the recording, as well as by parties who may subsequently license or acquire the recording, contributors to the recording, users, and licensees of it, organizations representing the owners of different collectively managed rights in the recording (CMOS), broadcasting organizations, media libraries and archives, musicologists, teachers, and application software developers.

Owners of both audio and audio-visual recordings must have ISRC for their works. For more information on ISRC, Click here

Golden Circle


  • Issuance of ISRC for final masters of
    sound recordings.

  • Invitation to round tables with
    policy makers.

  • Networking sessions with seasoned
    record companies.

  • Master classes in the sound
    recording business.

  • Chart certification services.

  • Advocacy for the interests of
    Kenyan music business stakeholders.

  • Promotion and enforcement of
    anti-piracy matters for all members.

  • Advocacy for the best practices with
    CMOs for sound producers.

  • Recognition and awards for Members'

Annual Membership Fee


  • Issuance of ISRC for final masters of sound recordings.

  • Master classes in the sound recording business.
    (At a Fee)
  • Chart certification services.
    (At a Fee)

  • Advocacy for the interests of
    Kenyan music business stakeholders.

  • Promotion and enforcement of anti-piracy matters for all members.

  • Advocacy for the best practises with
    CMOs for sound producers.